Greenprint 2023 Published

Mary Ormerod rsgi
Mary Ormerod
1 Dec 2023

The RSGI Sustainable Lawyers programme is designed to drive responsible business commitments across the legal industry and enable lawyers to better reflect their clients’ sustainability goals. The GreenPrint research has been conducted on a pro bono basis by RSGI, to shine a light on law firms’ current commitment to responsible business and highlight role models.

RSGI’s GreenPrint is a rating system for the maturity of responsible business reporting by major international law firms. It looks at publicly available information from law firm websites, reports and third-party organisations to which the firms have submitted. It assesses the transparency, accountability and ambition of firms’ commitment to being responsible and sustainable organisations. It also provides a foundation to standardise and simplify law firm reporting.

RSGI’s GreenPrint is a rating system for the maturity of responsible business reporting by major international law firms. It looks at publicly available information from law firm websites, “ESG” reports and third-party organisations to which the firms have submitted. It assesses the transparency, accountability and ambition of firms’ commitment to sustainable development. It also provides a foundation to standardise and simplify law firm reporting.

To download the full report click here.

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